Carbotechnik joined SPARROW: the Lime Global Brain spare parts pooling platform

#LIMEglobalbrain offer a complete stock of pay-per-use spare parts and components to keep your system running smoothly and efficiently.

Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2021


“To build a better world, we need to be supportive, empathetic, inventive, passionate, and above all, cooperative”

Carbotechnik Energiesystme Gmbh

CARBOTECHNIK burner and dosing systems for pulverised fuels/materials are the hallmark of technically mature and proven applications.

CARBOTECHNIK utilises a highly advanced, patented technology which encompasses fuel processing, fuel delivery and combustion systems which are designed to work together.

Carbotechnik and the #LIMEglobalbrain

Founded in 2001, CARBOTECHNIK currently employs around 40 people, distributed among the engineering, production and service departments as well as general administration.

CARBOTECHNIK team of engineers develops firing and energy concepts which are tailored to the customer’s specific requirements, and manufactures and delivers the corresponding components. Component engineering services in strict compliance with our quality assurance system, optimal planning and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes guarantee top quality technical products.

Spare Parts stock

In time-critical situations when SPARE PARTS are needed immediately CARBOTECHNIK opens its warehouse for to the #LIMEglobalbrain and LIME producers.

Be part of the NEXT GENERATION LIME digital revolution!



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